Corporate Undercover Investigations

We can protect your business, discreetly and effectively.
No one cares about your business more than you. It is your right and perhaps your obligation to make sure that your business operations are running smoothly with optimal performance from your team, and without fraud, waste or abuse. Yet it’s important this type of investigation is done correctly. This type of investigation requires a highly skilled, specialized team that is adept at this type of work. Our agency is here to help. Our team has experience performing corporate undercover work and in conducting government undercover operations in the USA. We can provide you with the information you need to protect your business. If you are unsure, reach out to us and we will listen to your situation and discretely advise you on the best course of action.
In 2023, we researched a client’s new employee following service complaints from his customers. We determined the employee was neglecting his job by taking numerous, unauthorized breaks in the company vehicle. The client was happy to have this Information so he take immediate action and save his business’ reputation.