Malingering? Investigation of Fraudulent Claims and Receipt of Insurance Benefits in Japan

In recent years, the issue of fraudulent insurance claims has become a social problem highlighted in the public eye. Among these, fraudulent claims due to malingering bring significant losses to insurance companies and lead to unjustified increases in premiums.

“Something seems off…”
“This person has made multiple claims in a short period…”
“We need to look into this further.”

This article explains the signs that may trigger suspicions of malingering, the process of investigative actions by detectives for fact-checking, and introduces actual case resolutions.


The issue of fraudulent insurance claims has become a notable social concern recently. Particularly, claims made under false pretenses of illness, or ‘malingering’, cause significant financial losses to insurance companies and lead to the unjust rise in insurance premiums. This article discusses the triggers of suspicion for malingering and details the investigative process carried out by detectives to verify the facts, along with real-life
resolution examples.

Triggers of Suspicion for Malingering

The initial suspicion of malingering usually arises from signs such as:

These signs can trigger suspicion of malingering within insurance companies.

The Process of Investigative Actions

When suspicion of malingering arises, insurance companies typically hire specialized detectives or investigation firms to conduct a behavioral investigation. The investigation process is carried out as follows: