Our Specialities

When establishing new business partnerships or personal relationships in Japan and abroad, it is crucial to verify the credibility and trustworthiness of the individuals involved. Our comprehensive background checks provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. Here are some examples of the type of background checks that we do.

Fiancé/Partner Investigation

We conduct thorough investigations to uncover the truth about fiancés or partners, addressing concerns related to fidelity, trustworthiness, and potential hidden information.

Due Diligence for Freelancers and Sole Proprietors

Our comprehensive due diligence services provide valuable insights and background checks on freelancers and sole proprietors, ensuring informed decision-making and minimizing potential risks in business dealings.

Online Privacy Breach Investigation

We specialize in investigating online privacy breaches, uncovering unauthorized access, data leaks, and digital privacy violations, while safeguarding your personal and sensitive information.

Suspicion of Fraud or Misconduct Investigation

Our investigations focus on suspicions of fraud or misconduct, thoroughly examining evidence, interviewing involved parties, and providing a comprehensive analysis to support your decision-making process.

Emerging Religions and Cult Groups Investigation

We conduct investigations concerning emerging religions and cult groups, helping clients gain a deeper understanding of their practices, beliefs, and the potential risks associated with involvement.

Spiritual Seminars Investigation

Our investigations scrutinize spiritual seminars, analyzing their credibility, intentions, and potential fraudulent activities to ensure a safe and informed participation experience.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Investigation

We specialize in investigating multi-level marketing schemes, examining their legality, financial viability, and adherence to ethical business practices, enabling clients to make informed decisions.

Network Marketing (NM) Investigation

Our investigations focus on network marketing companies, evaluating their business models, product quality, compliance with regulations, and overall legitimacy, empowering clients to make informed choices.

Corporate/Organizational Undercover Investigation

We offer undercover investigations for corporations and organizations, discreetly gathering information to uncover internal irregularities, fraudulent activities, or potential security threats.

Our cases

Wondering how we can help you? Below we have provided some examples of actual investigations conducted by our team.

Case #1 – Background check in advance of my daughter’s marriage

Our client, Yuto*, was a father, who told us his daughter wanted to marry her boyfriend, Riku*, whom she dated for two years. Yuto told his daughter that he would like to meet Riku in person and have a conversation. Yuto continued trying to meet with Riku over the next several months, but he always said he was too busy. This made Yuto suspicious. Yuto said Riku appeared to be running a business, but the nature of the business was unclear, and he didn’t share much about his own family or siblings with his daughter. Yuto and his family were afraid that his daughter might have been deceived by Riku. Before meeting Riku, Yuto said that he would like to confirm the nature of Riku’s business and his family situation.

Investigation Results

We investigated Riku on behalf of Yuto and confirmed he had a legitimate and busy career.

We learned Riku’s father owns income properties such as apartments and parking lots and Riku works as an executive at the real estate management company, which is run by his father.

Our investigators determined that Riku is well-regarded by business partners and has a good character. After reviewing the report provided by our detective, Yuto felt better about his daughter’s relationship. Yuto appreciated learning this information because it gave him piece of mind and better acceptance of their potential marriage.

Case #2 – Employee’s conduct investigation

The client, Jiro*, who owns a small business, recently hired a new employee, Hinata*. Since hiring Hinata, Jiro began receiving frequent and severe complaints from his clients, such as deliveries arriving late. These complaints were uncommon for Jiro. Jiro was suspicious that Hinata might have been the culprit. Therefore, Jiro requested an investigation into the daily activities of Hinata to uncover the cause of the increased complaints.

Investigation Results
Our investigators observed Hinata’s daily activities. Jiro’s suspicions were confirmed. There was no evidence of Hinata performing his job tasks. Instead, it was discovered that Hinata was grossly neglecting his delivery duties. For instance, while on duty, he had a habit of parking his delivery vehicle near a riverbank to take naps and frequently spent time in an internet cafe.

Case #3 – Investigation into the behavior of my daughter

The client, Minato*, was concerned about his daughter’s suspicious behavior and extravagant lifestyle. Minato’s daughter, Sakura*, was a university student working a part-time job. Minato noticed Sakura’s appearance suddenly became more flashy. She started purchasing luxury items such as designer bags and clothes that she could not possibly afford on her salary. Sakura also started going out in the evenings frequently, staying out overnight, and he suspected she was skipping classes at her university. Minato requested an investigation into Sakura to determine her source of income and whether it was legitimate and if it was negatively impacting her education.

Investigation Results
Through our investigation, we learned Sakura rarely attended university. Instead, she was spending her time engaging in freelance transactions on an online auction site through introductions made on social media. She was buying luxury items, using the profits gained from these transactions to buy more items, and then reselling them, repeatedly. Sakura was also hosting webinars on freelance transactions with the people she met online, and used the seminar fees to fund her extravagant lifestyle. While this business was legitimate, it was distracting her and keeping her away from her studies.

This information was directly conveyed to Minato, and he had a discussion with his daughter. Sakura said that she initially intended to use the profits to repay her student loans, she got caught up in the lifestyle, and was now in a situation where the profits kept increasing and she lost focus on her future goals. Because of our investigation, Minato had the information he needed to help Sakura get back on track. She agreed to go back to school and confine her online business to the weekends only.

Our Background Check Services

*The names of the clients have been changed to protect their privacy.